Inuyasha: Tenka Hadou no Thumbnail (part 6)
Thumbnail Theatre idea taken from Toastyfrog.

Kagome: Come on, Rin, let's run away! ... Just not in the direction of the oni!
Rin: I'll save you! YOUR HEAD A-SPLODE!
Kagome: ... How did you do that? And why can't I?
Inuyasha: SMITE!
Kagome: Hey, I wanted to kill it!
Inuyasha: At least I got here before Sesshoumaru could save you! Ha!
Kagome: Um... yeah... Well, Sesshoumaru's upstairs fighting the horny vengeful guy, so you'd better go up there and play nice.
Inuyasha: How 'bout I blow him up and say I played nice?
Sesshoumaru: I'm in the middle of a battle... perfect time to zone out and flash back to my dad! Duhhhhhh...
Takemaru: God, your mind wanders more than you do. WAKE UP!
Sesshoumaru: Ow! You stabbed my fluffy!
Inuyasha: SMITE!
Inuyasha: My turn to fight the bad guy! (smack smack smack)
Sesshoumaru: But I wanna fight him! (smack smack smack)
Takemaru: Dude, I can kill you both...
Inuyasha: Nuh uh! I'll tell my mommy on you!
Izayoi: Takemaru, are you being bad?
Takemaru: Nope, nope, I'm perfectly fine! Look, I'm even dead again now! Ohhh, what a world, what a world!
Inuyasha: ... That was kinda dumb.
Sesshoumaru: Let's bring him back to life and kill him better.
Sou'unga: Screw that! I'll possess Sesshoumaru's arm and kill you all myself!
Inuyasha: If you could do that in the first place, why bother with Takemaru, and thus half this movie, at all?
Sou'unga: ............. Anyway, I will open a path to Hell and KILL YOU ALL!!
Sango: Must... go... to Hell...
Miroku: You can go later.
Kagome: Okay, you guys all stay here and stay away from Hell, and I'll go help Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru by yelling at them.
Inuyasha: I wanna kill him!
Sesshoumaru: No, I wanna kill him! ... And I'm PANTING again! STOP IT!
Kagome: Look, you two can BOTH kill him, ya know!
Inuyasha: But I've already used Bakuryuuha half a dozen times in this movie, so it's bound to work sooner or later! Maybe it'll work better if I say I'm protecting people.
Sesshoumaru: (zones out again) Man, I have a song stuck in my head... AAAGGHHHH!!!

Inu/Sess: SMITE!
Sou'unga: Agh, I die.
Sesshoumaru: Well, I guess that worked. And there's my arm lying right there. I could get it back, but... nah.
Inu-papa: Fine, if you don't want it, I'll take it.

Inu/Sess: DADDY?!
Inu-papa: Yup, just droppin' in to say "hi". Well, see ya.
Kagome: Wow, Inuyasha, you finally got to meet your dad.
Inuyasha: How is that "meet", he just sat there and glowed.
Kagome: Oh, and here's your rosary back.
Inuyasha: ... CRAP!

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