Inuyasha: Tenka Hadou no Thumbnail (part 5)
Thumbnail Theatre idea taken from Toastyfrog.

Takemaru: I will create a monument to non-existence!
Sou'unga: Who do you think you are, Kefka? Let's just make some zombies instead.
Sesshoumaru: Ooh, I wanna fight 'em!
Inuyasha: I wanna fight 'em, too!

All: So do we!
Myouga: ... I don't.
Inuyasha: (hack, slice, hack, slice) Man, they just keep coming back!
Sesshoumaru: That's because you're not badass enough. (swish, explode)
Kagome: Hey, I wanna try! (levels entire field)

Inu/Sess: ...
Kagome: Um, well... they still came back...

All: (slice, slice, shoot, ofuda, hiraikotsu, kitsune-bi, fire, nintoujou)
Sou'unga: This is getting really boring. Go steal Sesshoumaru's sword.
Sesshoumaru: If it's a zombie, is it really a suicide bomber? Ah well, there goes Tenseiga...
Rin: I'll get it!
Kagome: No, I'll get it!

Kag/Rin: (get kidnapped) ACK! We both got it!

Inu/Sess: OMGWTF!!!!11
Takemaru: Ha ha! I'm vengeful against the Inu no Taishou! And Inuyasha! And Sesshoumaru! And Izayoi! And I have no idea who you two girls are... but I'm vengeful against you, too!
Kagome: Who are you, Montezuma?
Inuyasha: I'll save them!
Sesshoumaru: No, I'll save them!

Inu/Sess: Whee, spinny camera!
Sesshoumaru: Okay, how 'bout... I save the girls and... you kill the zombies. Bye!
Inuyasha: Fudge!
Rin: Don't worry, Kagome-sama, I'll protect you from the horny man with a vengeance! I've got Tenseiga!
Kagome: Can you actually use that thing?
Rin: No, but I also have my Summon-Sesshoumaru-sama-in-the-nick-of-time ability.
Kagome: That works, too.
Takemaru: Hey, are you fighting me because I have your arm?
Sesshoumaru: ... You have my arm?
Takemaru: MADE YA LOOK! (smack)
Sesshoumaru: Man, now I lost Toukijin. I should get it back. ... ... MADE YA LOOK! Ha, now I will smite you with my TENSEIGA!
Takemaru: Oh help.
Inuyasha: Man, fighting zombies sucks. Wait... sucks?
Miroku: I hear ya! HOUSHI PWNAGE!!
Inuyasha: Yay, now that someone else took over, I can go be the hero now instead of my brother!

  On to Part 6.